Monday, December 31, 2012
Good time ^.^
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
كل فتاه بابيها معجبة !
من اغبى الامثلة التي سمعتها! بالطبع احب ابي جدا ! هو الشخص الذي يشعرني انني اجمل نساء الارض !لا اعرف اذا كان الكل لديهم اباء مثل ابي! اشك في ذلك خاصة في مجتمعنا الذكوري اللعين. هو اكثر شخص معجب بشكلي , شخصيتي و انجازاتي في هذه الحياة ! لكن هذا لا يعني بانني معجبة به فقط لانة ابي ! بالنسبة لي المثل ممكن ان يكون منطقي اذا كان كل فتاه بابيها مغرمة
انا لم احلم ابدا بالارتباط باحد مثله ! احب ابي لكن هذه المقارنة بالنسبة الي بعيدة كل البعد عن المنطق
اصل المثل حسب بحثي المتواضع بمساعدة ملك الاجوبة السيد غوغل هو كالتالي
جاء في مجمع الأمثال للآدمي: إن العجفاء بنت علقمة السعدي، فرجت مع ثلاث نسوة من قومها، وتواعدن روضة من الرياض، ذات الخضرة والأزاهير، ليتحدثن فيها، مع صفاء الجو المشمس نهاراً، والقمر المزهر في الليل، فوافين قمراً متلألئاً، في ليلة طلقة ساكنة، يزينها تلك الروضة، المعشبة الخصبة، التي ذهبن إليها
فلما جلسن قُلنَ: ما رأينا كالليلة ليلة، ولا كهذه الروضة روضة، أطيب ريحاً، ولا أنضر نباتاً، ثم أفضن في الحديث، فقلن: أي النساء أفضل؟ قالت إحداهن: الخرود الودود الولود. قالت الأخرى: خيرهن ذات الغَناء، وطيب الثناء، وشدة الحياء. قالت الثالثة: خيرهن السموع النفوع غير المنوع. قالت الرابعة: خيرهن الجامعة لأهلها، الوادعة لا الواضعة
قلن: فأي الرجال أفضل؟ قالت إحداهن: إن أبي يكرم الجار، ويعظم النار، وينحر العشار، بعد الجوار، ويحمل الأمور الكبار، ويأنف من الصغار
وقالت الثانية: إن أبي عظيم الخطر، منيع الوزر، عزيز النفر، يُحمد منه الورد والصدر
وقالت الثالثة: إن أبي صدوق اللسان، حديد الجنان، كثير الأعوان، يُروي السِّنان عن الطعان
وقالت الرابعة: إن أبي كريم النزال، منيف المقال، كثير النوال، قليل السؤال، كريم الفعال
برايي الفتيات الاربعة لم يعرفن اي رجل اخر غير اخوانهم و ابيهم ! لذلك هن يفتقرن لصورة فارس الاحلام ! او حتى الشخص الذي يتطلعن اليه ! رايي ان هذا المثل لا يمثل بنات العصر الحالي ! يعني بالعامية دقة قديمة
see you next post ^.^Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Two years !
!مر عامين على وفاة جدتي ! عامين مرو كلمح البصر
اسفي هو انني لم اكن بجانبها عندما سلمت سلام الوداع على الحياة. كنت احقق حلمي في بلد يدعوه المعظم كوكب اخر
ما الذي تغير في حياتي خلال فترة عامين ! كل ما كنت اعتبره ثابت اصبح الان متغير و العكس لسخرية هذه الدنيا صار صحيح
وجوه اتقنت الكذب تلاشت اسرع من سير الرمال في صحراء عاصفة ! هي نفس الوجوه التي كانت تدعي انها ستبقى ثابتة في حياتي اكثر من رسوخ جبل فوجي في اليابان ! لم اشعر بالاسف على غياب هذه الانفس المريضة بالعكس كمريض شُفي من سرطان. طُمست وجوه لتلمع وجوه اخرى اثبتت لي ان الدنيا ما زالت بخيرما دام فيها من يخاف الله ! جنود حولي لم اكن اراهم من قبل فجاة ظهروا للدفاع عني دون مقابل. يدعونهم الناس بالعائلة.
عامين استطعت في ختامهما تحقيق هدف حياتي كبير ! و ادركت ان الغربة ليست كما تصفها الاغاني بانها الوحش الذي يسلب الروح من جسد الانسان ! اعطتني كياني و صقلتني و فاجئتني
عامين ادركت من خلالهما ان الشيء الوحيد الباقي في هذه الحياه هو وجود الله ! و ان الثوابت و !المتغيرات مصيرها الزوال ! و ان ما يبقى للانسان هو حسن الخاتمة
!الله يرحمك يا جدتي فقد حسنت خاتمتك ! انتم السابقون و نحن اللاحقون ! الفاتحة
Two years have passed since my grandmother passed away! Time sure flies fast!
My only regret was the fact that I couldn't be there for her when her soul left this petty life. I was trying to achieve my dream in a place most people call a separate planet (Japan)!
What changed in my life during these two years! Everything I considered solid in my life changed and ironically vise versa!
I was surrounded by faces that majored lying but soon faded away faster than thin soil in a stormy desert! It’s the same faces that used to promise that it will stick around forever unchanged in my life! I didn’t feel sorry for the loss of such souls as it was like a cancer patient that just got healed. Some faces faded only to give space for other faces to shine proving that indeed there is still a blessing in this life as long as god is feared!
Soldiers that I didn’t see before rose to defend me without asking for something in return! Most call them family!
I achieved one of my big life goals and realized that alienation is not a monster that sucks your soul like what songs claim! It shaped me who I am and gave me unforgettable life changing lessons!
The most important thing I realized is the fact that the only thing that will last is the existence of god!
All of these fixed and changed check points in our lives are destined to end! The only thing that remains is a grand finale! That is to die as a decent good person!
May god rest your soul my grandma! As you had an amazing grand finale!
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Rua | Share your WOW! Japan photo contest
I am participating in this amazing contest !
Join the contest minna ( you will enjoy it ) ^.^
please enter my account and check the pics. if you like them please click wow ^.^
who knows maybe I can win it ;p
Salam ...
Friday, October 5, 2012
I am back !
Hi minna !
I am back to a place where I called my country ...its Jordan ! its funny how sometimes when you live in a place for a long time start to belong and feel like its your own country !
I have been living in Japan for 2 years and a half now ...and I am glad to say that I am Japanese ...of course I don't have the Japanese nationality but I don't need a nationality to have the passion that I have to Japan !
At the end ... everything or any stage of our life has an ending ! and I need to adapt to my new life ! I hope that sweet life is hiding more interesting things for me ! who knows ! waiting for your surprises life !
This is a message to Japan ...
Dear Japan,
Words cant express my thanks ... you have been a warm place for me ... you introduced me to many interesting people and many friends that carved roads in my heart...I will never ever let you go and I know that you will never let me go ...yes I am not ashamed to say that you are my country ! you are my passion where I can feel peace and I can get my rest !
I love you more than anything else...
I feel pain that I will be separated from you...
You have seen my tears so many times and you made me a strong person...
I discovered the real Rua in you ... you are my birth certificate ! before you I was not alive ! I thought I was but you showed me what does it mean to be alive!
To the Japan I love ...I will come back ! I will come back !
I am Japanese inside ... I don't need a nationality !
Looking forward to meeting you soon. until then please take care of yourself. dont shake again T.T
Rua Samara
Friday, July 6, 2012
Haiiro no kanaria !
Hi minna :)
I wanted to post about this since 24 June but, as I was so busy with the submission of my thesis before the deadline which was on 3d of July, the post was delayed.
I was invited to a stage play by my friend M chan who I haven't seen for many years ( I don't even remember when was the last time I saw her !). I was kinda busy at the time of the invitation but I wanted to meet her and talk to her. I think this is important and deserve my time :) ( after all friends are more important right ;p).
The stage play was called " haiiro no kanaria". It's a comedy romance play performed mainly by Masuda Takahisa ( a member of news and tegomasu), and other talented actors ( I forgot their names! Gomen ).
I was excited since this is the first time I watch a Japanese play. I felt like its a challenge as well ... I was wondering wether I can understand this play , I wanted to :)
As I entered the hall I fell in love with the decor used in the stage that my friend absolutely hated. I liked it and she hated it for the same reason. It reminded us of middle eastern furniture which is lovely to me :)
At the beginning of the play I didn't understand, as the characters was speaking way fast which maybe considered funny to Japanese. But after awhile I understood the story and had fun.
A lot of people don't understand Japanese humor but this play was fun even for non Japanese :)
Any way ... First time seeing a Japanese play ... First time seeing Masuda san ( love his voice ) ... And first time seeing my friend in Japan hamdullellah
Here is the link for the scenario of the play in English:
Until next post Salam minna :)
And thanks to both M&M sans;)
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Jordan Vs Japan
salam minna,
Ok lets go straight to the point !!
I don't know if you are aware of the big match between Jordan and Japan that was held in the land of the rising sun (Japan) , I decided to go to this match 2 months ago with my friends from Jordan to support our team in Japan.
so the process of asking for the tickets began since APRIL...
We were so happy to know that the Japanese Football Association gave 5000 tickets to the embassy of Jordan... so this meant to us that getting the tickets is easy since we are few Jordanians Living in Japan right ? ... WRONG...we had hard time getting the tickets !!
We were informed that the number of tickets is limited !! really !! limited!! 5000 tickets ... I am not sure about the number of Jordanians in Japan but no way its near that number !!
so we were pretty pissed that the process of asking for the tickets took longer than we expected ...actually we were informed that we can get the tickets 2 days before the match and we got the tickets on the day of the match !!
This is a prove that change comes from individuals themselves , its weird that although the Embassy of Jordan in a country organized like Japan yet still not being able to organize such a small event !! and unable to change the way they do things !!
anyway ...we got to the soccer hall and got the tickets ( Al Hamdullellah )
I cant describe the feeling I had the moment I entered the hall , It was great , my heart was beating so fast.
It felt like I am about to face a huge exam!!I wanted the Jordanian team to win so bad. its amazing how much in these situation your nationalism pops out.
This hall was filled with samurais who were cheering for the Japanese team , their unity in their blue shirts they were wearing , their voices , their waves and their movements was scary actually ...I felt fear and couldn't imagine how our team felt ...maybe this was the reason of the huge loss in the result of the match !!
But still 6-0 ... what a shame! the feeling of shame differs when you watch a match in the TV and when you are actually there in the mal3ab( hall) cheering for your team who is losing like this ...being only 5 cheering for a losing team is not cool at all , I am telling you that !!
Plus I hated the attitude of our players , I respect Japanese players for their fight until the end spirit that the Jordanian players lacked since the start of the game ... I respect how Japanese players waved to the audience and walked in the field while waving to their audience with proud at the end of the match (Bravo Japan) ^_^
ANYWAY ... I will leave you with pics Ahmad san took of the match ...
hopefully victory will come in the future our own field and in our own challenges in life ....
life is like a football match of which we seek victory in ...remember that dear viewers ^^
until next post ...salamTuesday, June 5, 2012
Sakura ^_^
Dear readers of my blog ^^
I am going through a stressful time in writing my master thesis, seriously to who ever is thinking of studying masters may god be on your side...I will take a short break from that and post some of sakura pics that I took ...I Know its late since sakura (cherry blossoms ) was in April... but didn't have time back then...sorry for not keeping my promise earlier ....
as promised here are some pics ...enjoy ^.^





At the end , I would like to say that sakura trees are like human beings blossoms to impress everyone with its beauty but soon it goes away leaving behind lovely memories
I pray to God that we will leave behind us traces filled with goodness and blessings ...hoping that these traces and deeds will be heavy on our scale on the day of judgment, the day we stand in front our one and only creator ( Alla ) ^^
أشجار الساكورا كالإنسان... تزهر و تسحر الكل بجمالها لكن سرعان ما تختفي كلمح البصر... تاركة ورائها الذكريات الجميلة
نسأل الله ان نترك ورائنا أثار كلها خير و بركة ...لعلها تكون في ميزان حسناتنا يوم نقف بين يدي المولى عز و جل
نراكم ان شاء الله في البوست القادم
حتى ذلك الوقت في أمان الله
Friday, June 1, 2012
قرات كتيير لكن لم افهم !!
اوك, لقد قرات كتيير لكن لم افهم, ما فهمته شيئان مما قرأت
الفرق بين المسلمين و المسيحيين شي اساسي
الله يبحث عنا نحن الضائعون عن طريق عيسي ابن مريم و ليس نحن من نبحث عنه
الثالوت الاقدس - الاب ,الابن , الروح القدس - الاّب اله و الابن اله و الروح القدس اله , كل واحد منهم كلي القدرة و لكنهم اله واحد ...لكن بنفس الوقت ثالوث مقدس
الله تجسد في صورة المسيح و حتى يكفر عن خطايا البشر كان الثمن تضحيته بنفسه و يجب ان نؤمن به حتى نحضى بالهبه ( الحياة الابدية ) ...الكلمة كانت عند الله و الله هو الكلمة و الكلمة اصبحت جسداً...
كل شيء يوجد في ثلاثة ( عناصر المادة ( صلبة , سائلة , غازية ) , الاسرة ( الاب, الام , الاطفال )) و لكنها واحدة. الله قادر على كل شيء و منها التجسد على هيئة انسان ...
الخلاف الاساسي بين المسيحيون و المسلمون هي ألوهية المسيح
ما خطر في بالي
عندما اسمع الثالوث الاقدس _ الاّب و الابن و الروح القدس ...انا لا استطيع تخيل هذه الصور الثلاث كصورة واحدة في ذهني ...لان كل صورة مميزة بحد ذاتها...لا استطيع تخيل الثلاث صور كصورة واحدة في رأسي ! (حاولت لكن لم استطع )
لم استطيع فهم كيف ان اليسوع مولودا و ليس مخلوقا ...انا لم افهم ...مولود اي ان الله انجبه !! انا لم استطيع تخيل الانجاب كصفة لله فهي بنظري لا تليق بعظمته
كمسلمة انا اؤمن بان الله ليس كمثله شيء اي لا أستطيع تخيله لذا انا خلال قراءتي لم افهم سمعت ايضا من مناظرة بين انيس شروس و احمد ديديات انه وارد بالتوراة ان اي انسان تلده امرأة و حملته 9 اشهر لا يمكن ان يكون الهاً ...فكيف يكون عيسى عليه السلام الهاً...
في عندما تمت 8 ايام من ولادة اليسوع ختن ...هل الله يختن !! بالنسبة لي انا لا استطيع تخيل هذه العمليه تحدث لله عز وجل
luke 2:21
و اخيرا لما لم يرد نص صحيح يقول فيه المسيح بانه هو الله ( انا الله اعبدوني) , لماذا لم يقل ذلك و ينهي النقاش اللذي ما زال موجود حتى الاّن
نحن كمسلمين نؤمن بان عيسى عليه السلام هو رسول الله و نؤمن بولادته العجيبة و نؤمن بمعجزاته ( قدرته على احياء الموتى و قدرته على شفاء المرضى... ) التي حصلت باذن الله نؤمن انه رسول الله ليقودنا الى عبادة الخالق ...الله عز وجل و ان عيسى عليه السلام هو مخلوق ايضاً
ملاحظة : هذا ما توصلت اليه من قرائتي لكن لم اقصد به اساءة للمسيحية او للمسيحيين, انا لدي اصدقاء مسيحيين احبهم جداً... تابعوا مناظرة انيس شروس و احمد ديديات ...رائعة حتى لغير المسلمين
Salam , and see you next post! I am not trying to insult anyone by this post, I am posting my understanding of what I read ...
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
To those who think that Hijab alone show you the way to heaven ... you should view things with a holistic perspective as there are many things in Islam that are connected ... because of this isolated perspective we have lot of people in our society having no idea what Islam is all about !! and I am sure most of you know that in Jordan , girls wearing hijab are the majority!! yet our society is missed up !!! and no way neat 3afaf concept which is always linked to Hijab !!
only when you get the connection between your outer and inner eman ( faith) with a good intention ( neyah ) then you can work and pray to alla to guide you the the straight path !!
الى الناس الذين يعتقدون ان النساء هن المطالبات فقط بارتداء الحجاب .قد اخطؤو الظن ...حتى الرجال مطالبين بارتداء ملابس لا تلفت النظر و فيها شيء من الحشمة !!! الحجاب هو ليس فقط قطعة من القماش نرتديها على رؤوسنا , يجب ان يكون مرتبط ارتباطا عميقا مع حجابنا الداخلي الذي يتوجب علينا القيام به ذكورا و اناثا !!
الى من يعتقد ان الحجاب هو الطريق الوحيد للجنة ...عليكم النظر بطريقة اوسع و اكثر ترابطا للامور ...الاسلام دين مترابط و هناك العديد من الامور التي تحتاج الكثير من التحليل!!و لاننا دائما نحكم بطريقة ضيقة و بنظر ضعيف على الامور,نجد المعظم في دولنا الاسلامية و في مجتمعنا ينقصون الادراك الفعلي و الكامل للاسلام ! و انا على ثقة انكم تعلمون ان البنات المرتديات للحجاب يشكلن الاكثرية , مع ذلك مجتمعنا في اسوأ حال !! و على بعد تام من شيء يسمى العفاف الذي يربط بالحجاب فقط!!
فقط عندما تدرك الترابط بين جميع العناصر المكونة للاسلام , و عندما نربط بين الايمان الخارجي و الداخلي مع وجود نية صافية عندها تستطيع العمل و الدعاء الى الله ان يهدينا الى الصراط المستقيم !! الصراط الذي يؤدي ان شاء الله الى الجنة !!
Note : I believe in Hijab , its so important and an integral part of being a Muslim girl but without having a connection with your inner faith , and having it standing alone with a lot of bad manners !! this just worsen the image of Hijab !!
Hijab should make you a better person and guide you to better life only if it goes alone with good manner and good understanding of it and reasons behind wearing it !!
ملاحظة : انا مؤمنة بالحجاب ايمان كلي, لانه واجب على كل فتاه مسلمة و فيه مرضاة لله سبحانه و تعالى , لكن اذا وجد دون وجود ترابط مع حجابنا و ايماننا الداخلي , ووجد دون تكامل مع اخلاقنا التي يفترض ان تتطابق مع الحجاب ...فهذا يشوه الصورة الفعلية للحجاب !! الحجاب يجب ان يصنع منك انسان افضل و يقودك الى حياة اجمل و لكن هذا فقط يتم مع فهم عميق لماهية الحجاب و ارتدائه للاسباب الصحيحة ...من اجل ارضاء الله تعالى ...ليس لارضاء البشر المحيطين بك !!
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Recently a documentary made by the BBC was broadcasted And uploaded on YouTube.This documentary made the king himself angry and made me very upset on a personal level!
It took place in 2 centers for handicapped And children with mental problems. A young woman named "Hanan" working with the BBC as a reporter volunteered in these 2 centers to observe the real situation and to figure out how children are treated. She had a hidden camera attached to her outfit to get a clear picture of whats going on!
So, what was the reality behind the closed doors of these 2 centers ? Are children being treated with care? Does the treatment received by center workers matches their physical or mental disability?
No , they are not being treated like humans beings. Moreover, It's not even a shock to most of Jordanians. We all know that children are being abused at their homes , schools , so whats new!! Even the ministry of Social services is aware of the situation!
I am sure most of the Jordanians reading this post already saw the video of a student in fist grade being pressured and threatened to be beaten by his teacher to write number 9 !!
It's not the knowledge that people missed to get upset nor the awareness , it's the feeling that is attached with this knowledge , to see that awful treatment in a video and to actually see what is happening in details to these this is new!
I was shocked to see to what extent this violence reached ... I expected emotional and physical violence but not to the extent that a child enters the center walking and leave it unable to ... This is something that I could not imagine nor understand!
Why ... Why...WHY!
The documentary showed a case of a child who entered the center having a mental problem, his father took him after finding about the mistreatment he received only to discover that his child cant walk anymore!! instead of improving his mental disability the center added another one! the father wanted to sue the center but the laws and regulations were not helpful and takes long time for investigation. More laws should be added to protect children!the current is not enough nor efficient! Another case was a child from Emirates whose father wanted him to enter a center in Jordan- as centers in Jordan are famous and known for their good quality treatment >_>- the father was shocked to see his son's body covered with burns. The center claimed that its because of an accident. however, the doctor who saw the child said its due to a chemical formula!! seriously whats wrong with workers in the center ...this is unacceptable , they are monsters!!
of course these are the extreme cases, other awful things took place as well. a child seeking attention from one of the center worker saying " I Love you " only to receive a slap on the face as an answer. another child was tied up to a chair not given food nor care.children picking up food from the ground which shows that they are not being sufficiently fed! they are dragged like dogs to the classes against their well !! whats wrong ? why ? why in Jordan ? why in an Islamic country this thing occur ? why in an Arab country this happens?
What made me even angry and upset about all of this was 2 things !! one is that these centers get almost 1000 dollar for each child a month ...this is a lot of money ...The normal excuse that people assume when they see these workers bad treatment to children is" oh maybe the salary is not good!!" but these centers get a lot of money and yet we see children fetching for food in the ground !!
Second,most of these workers are wearing full hijab ( scarf covering the head) , so you expect that these women are doing that to please alla(god). I was so upset as hijab is the most wonderful thing ever, but they just make a bad image out of it. they don't understand what Islam is all about and this is the case of many people living in Arab and Islamic countries. they don't understand true Islam. cause if they do even if they get paid one dollar a month they will prefer to die before treating children this way as they know that on judgment day these deeds and injustice to others can be a reason for making them enter hell!! In the video, a new worker just started her first day and she was saying to a child " set honey, set sweety" and the child was not setting for some reason, then her senpai (senior employee) comes in to give her an advice and proper training , she said " why are you calling him that , instead you grab him like that and kick him and then he will set ( she did that while explaining). The good thing is that these 2 centers were closed ... strict procedures are needed and more supervision of these centers should take place, not just these centers also at schools to make sure that this will not happen again !
here are the documentry ...I am sorry no English subs , will look for an eng subs for it ...but you can clearly see the mistreatment in these centers! salam (peace) see you next post !
This report made me think of life deeper ...I am studying Human Security and Communication in Japan... and this made me wanna work in the future in something that may changes peoples life,I know it may sound cheesy but I truly wanna be part of developing my country ...I wanna have a role in changing the situation we are in right now ....good treatment is something that we all deserve as human beings. In Japan I see handicapped and people mental disabilities that are able to take the train alone and go to places that are far from their homes !! To see these children in Jordan going through all that made me very sad, touched and encouraged to do something !! I will ensha alla , I will ( with the well of god ) , I will make Jordan a better place!! I Believe that change starts with yourself spreading to your community and then to the society...we can make a change!!
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
هنا تموت الأفكار
ازرق: انا عندي فكرة و حاسس انو هاي الفكرة رح تغير وضعنا للاحسن بس بدي تعاونكم معي
احمر١: مين مفكر حالك ليكون أينشتاين و مش عارفين
احمر٢: بعدين مين قلك وضعنا مو منيح ... هينا مناكل و منشرب
احمر٣: انت جحود لنعمة الله... احمد ربك في ناس مو ...لاقية تأكل و انت بدك تغير وضعنا
احمر٤: روح نام... إحنا هيك وضعنا منيح... الحمد لله على نعمة الأمن و الأمان
ازرق: خلص انا بس كنت بدي انو أعيش حياة كريمة و أرقى لوضع أحسن ... بس قولتكم انا لحالي شو بقدر اعمل !!!!!
هنا تموت الأفكار و قاتلها اكثر من فرد واحد... التغيير يبدأ من النفس لينتشر للمحيط ثم للمجتمع
نراكم في البوست القادم ...كانت معكم رؤى
ملاحظة : هذه الصورة كانت عبارة عن بوست لصديقة لي على الفيس ! و هذا كان تعليق على البوست
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Presentation pressure!
I am stressed as my med term presentation is approaching , it's this sutarday:/ To present infront of the fuculty is challenging since each professor has his/her own prespdctive of how a presentation Should be.I have a main academic advisor who asked me to put all my fieldwork finding and a 2 co-advisors, of which one asked me to focus on the process rather than the findings and another who has a conceptual prespdctive. Of course it's good to get a lot of feedback but sometimes when feedbacks contradicts it can result in a headache to The poor researcher who finds him/her self lost on their own thoughts.
Anyway,today I spent a lovely day at home working on my presentation knowing that each step I make brings me closer to the graduation day. Always say to my self "yalla rua ganbatte, your almost there ", ensha2allah
I enjoyed a nice kabsah that I cooked, I am a great cooker Maybe I should cook more:) May Allah blessy my time
I wanna have fun and relax in my love , where else Japan Of course Jordan always in the heart but still love Japan ;)
Until next post Salam :))))Monday, March 26, 2012
BACK TO JAPAN AGAIN but this time its different !!
yes I know that I didn't write here for a long time and maybe you thought as I THOUGHT that this blog died but in fact, its still alive OvO. this blog means a lot to me , every time I feel there is something in my mind I just write it here and feel relaxed so nope its not over yet ^_^
Anyway, I am back to Japan now after staying for one month in my beloved country the one and only Jordan. I spent an amazing time with my family and friends , it was great.
during my stay in Jordan, I discovered how much lucky I am , I know my blessings and when I say " el 7amdullellah" I feel it in every instance of my body... its not just a word that I am used to say , its something that I feel every time I take my breath... al 7amdullellah.
I always asked allah after my prayers to give me a peace of my mind and alla did give me peace of mind... I am more certain now that indeed alla is the designer of my life, loves me so much and of course wiser than me so I will leave things up to god and I know that happiness will eventually come ^_^( not that I am not happy now)
I am back to Japan and I am settled in my cute home, but the feeling is different than before... how different ? you might wonder...
well, I am happier now , I feel like cooking which is something I didn't feel before , I like my apato more , I like the air , I like everything ...
SUB7AN ALLAH when you have a good mood your whole environment changes and when u truly trust alla and leave everything to him walla it differs ... your world changes! and this give me a thought that I cant stop from having ... Did I believe in alla before? I think that I always believed in alla , but a cloud covered my mind and heart during one year and made things not so clear to me ...but el 7amdullella spring came into my heart and mind and removed the vagueness away ^_^
I will ensha2alla try to make more posts maybe with spring coming I will take pictures of amazing sakura and share it with you guys^_^
until next post , fi aman alla ^_^