It was really nice, I knew about Haiku but this is my first time to take a lecture about it in depth, the lecture and the discussion that was held after it was interesting ^-^
People tried to understand haiku by comparing it with arabic poetry which is ,in my opinion is very wrong , because Japanese poetry (haiku) differs from Arabic poetry^-^
So ,minasan,what is haiku?
Haiku is a poetic form and a type of poetry from the Japanese culture. Haiku combines form, content, and language in a meaningful, yet compact form. Haiku poets write about everyday things. Many themes include nature, feelings, or experiences. Usually they use simple words and grammar. The most common form for Haiku is three short lines. The first line usually contains five (5) syllables, the second line seven (7) syllables, and the third line contains five (5) syllables. Haiku doesn't rhyme. A Haiku must "paint" a mental image in the reader's mind. This is the challenge of Haiku - to put the poem's meaning and imagery in the reader's mind in ONLY 17 syllables over just three (3) lines of poetry!
Dr koko kato & T sensei
Do you like Haiku? Do you have a certain Haiku that you like?
Please share it with us^-^
Please share it with us^-^
I do not think it is "very wrong" to compare Arabic poetry with haiku. It is inconvinient to Japanese people, but it is not wrong at all. It's not only haiku that we compare, everything including grammar and vocabulary while we learn Japanese as well.
It is basic human nature to compare to things we already know, because we already have lots of experiences. So it is easier to understand new things by comparing them to things we already know.
I also think that it is very useful to compare, because it helps us understand the differences between our cultures and ultimately to understand what it means to be human and to be more tolerant/open minded.
The difference between Arabic poetry and any other kind of poetry is very interesting (to me atleast). Our poetry is more about people and relations and less about nature because it was born from the desert. It was used as a media to communicate with others and for bored travels while they were alone riding their camels(!). But Haiku is mostly about nature because they have mountains, rivers, sea and four very pronounced seasons and it seems haiku was mostly for enjoyment.
يا ريتك لو كتبتي البوست قبل مايبدى
لاني كنت بعمان بنفس الوقت
قرأت قبل كم شهر كتابين عن قصائد يابانية الاول قصائد اليابان المائة والثاني لا تبح بسرك للريح
كان الكتاب الثاني كله قصائد الهايكو
أعجبني في مقدمةالكتاب جملة الي ساعة بحاول اتذكرها بس مش عارف بما معناها
"اذا اردت ان تعيش الهايكو فدع عنك الرداء العربي لفترة واخرج من عالم الرمال والصحراء الى عالم وملكوت الساكورا"
عن جد اذا اعجبتني قصائد الهايكو اكثير لكن اذا حاولنا نفهمها بالاسلوب العربي بتفقد معناها
saemon san :
I think that you have a point when you said that " its is easier to understand new things by comparing them to things we already know" .however I did not feel that haiku have any similarity with arabic poetry at all, I felt that its a completely different thing and having people comparing between it and arabic peotry will lead in my opinion to not understanding it .
some times when comparing things that you know with new things that you dont know it leads to not understanding nor appreatiating the
new unknown things^-^
thank you for the comment , I liked it ^-^
Qutaibah kun:
I am so sorry T-T
Next time I will post any event at my blog before its date ^-^lol
Thank you for the nice comment ^-^
Arabic poetry is a completely different world. Maybe sometimes(very few sometimes) there is some similarity in meaning but the way of making the poem or the words used is completely different.
Haiku is much easier to make.
Also Arabic poems have hidden meanings, but haiku is more like a photo.
لو أنني كنت في عمان فلربما ذهبت ..ولكنني بقيت في إربد .. تباً للامتحانات
حسناً .. أنا أحب شعر الهايكو ؛ فهو يملك طابعاً مختلفاً ، ولكنه لا يرقى أبداً إلى مستوى الشعر العربي ، أين الهايكو بأسطره الثلاث من المعلقات والموشحات وغيرها من قصائد العرب ؟
أين الهايكو من القوافي والأوزان وموسيقى الشعر العربي التي تسلب عقل قارئها وسامعها لتأخذه بعيداً في عوالم أخرى من الجمال والروعة ؟
إن أردنا دقة المعنى واستحكام الجمل والتحدي الماثل في قوة الألفاظ وبيانها فأين الهايكو من معلقات الجاهلية ؟
وإن أردنا المبادئ والقيم وشعر الشجاعة والبطولات فأين الهايكو من شعر صدر الدولة الإسلامية ؟
وإن أردنا سهولة اللفظ وتجانس الكلمات والبديع فاين الهايكو من شعر الأمويين والعباسيين ؟
وإن أردنا وصف الطبيعة وجمالها فأين الهايكو من شعر الموشحات وقصائد الأندلس ؟
وإن أردنا التنويع والبساطة فأين الهايكو من الشعر الحديث ؟
نعم .. أنا أحب الهايكو ؛ وكثيراً ما أجرب كتابته وإنشائه .. فشعر الهايكو في حد ذاته جميل .. ولكنه يتضائل وينكمش حتى يصير "لا شيئاً" بل أقل من الـ"لا شيء" إذا قارناه بعظمة الشعر العربي
momji san :
I agree with you ^-^
The beauty of Haiku lies on its ability in making you imagine a certain scene, the words are simple and easy.
biraru san :
And because of that biraru san I said that it is wrong to campare Arabic poetry and haiku because it is completely different.
haiku is simple but it draws a nice image of nature and harmony
arabic poetry is a different story ,enjoy haiku as it is^-^
thanks for the comment ^-^
A small but belated note: comparing does not mean finding the similarities only, it also means finding the differences.
If they are too different then we can also appreciate the contrast.
But I understand your point of view and can take haiku for what it is, brief simple tributes to nature (mostly).
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