Hi minna , I didn’t know about this band before , it is called "Dam" which means "blood" in English ^-^
Dam is a Palestinian rap band that was established at 1998 , I really like their songs , the one I like the most is called “meen erhabe “ which means “who is a terrorist?”
DAM - Who's a Terrorist?
My brother likes this song also, and he keeps singing it all the day >0< (うるさい!)
But it stills a nice song ^^
By the way, I started learning Japanese b4 4 years^^
Speech contest wo ganbatte ne! >< the design of the announcement is very nice.
Momji san : Your Japanese is really good , you are the one who participated in last year "okaasan"???right!!!
I fell in love with the song from the first moment I heard it T-T
hai,gambarimasu ^-^ I know it is;p
this band is so cool, but you keep singing it all the time.
demo I really like their songs.
see U today.
Thank u tade chan ,
see u , and the song is so cool^-^
men erhabe??
Hi this is Takkun. ^^
I checked your blog soon.
You have written a good diary.
See you later.
TAKKUN , thank you for visiting my blog , thank you for the comment^-^
i like there songs too
so meaningfull :D
and this song is the BEST
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