Thursday, July 29, 2010

wow Japanese Garden in Abdoun OvO

Hi minna,

I was really surprised when I visited the Japanese embassy of Japan website and found out about the Japanese Garden in Abdoun, this is just great ^^

I will put it in my to do list when I visit Jordan in August ^^

It was designed according to traditional Japanese gardens dating back to ancient times by Japanese garden expert Mr. Fukuda, exhibiting main elements of water, rock, plants, and bridges, in addition to a special area allocated for making tea.

The Garden’s elements were brought over from Japan whereas some rocks and stones have been brought from the Dead Sea, Al Mafraq and Petra. The stones have been amended and arranged to match the classical mode of design of the Japanese garden and a special place has been allocated for tea making.

wow great news ,to see more about this go to the Japanese embassy website in Jordan bellow:

see you next post


Anonymous said...

so nice walla

Snorlax Her said...

bedi meno had el2eshi !!!

TotallyAddictedToBass said...

The other day we were wondering where to meet with my friends.
We didn't want to pay money to sit in an ugly place drinking something we didn't want.

This is going to be my happy place- until the Hafartal take over.

rua said...

snorlaxi yeah its in JOrdan ,u can check it out ^-^

Totally addicted to bass san : I am wondering who u are !! thanks for u comment and u are right , 7afartal is occuping more spaces 3enna T0T