Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Jordan Vs Japan

salam minna,

Ok lets go straight to the point !!

I don't know if you are aware of the big match between Jordan and Japan that was held in the land of the rising sun (Japan) , I decided to go to this match 2 months ago with my friends from Jordan to support our team in Japan.

so the process of asking for the tickets began since APRIL...

We were so happy to know that the Japanese Football Association gave 5000 tickets to the embassy of Jordan... so this meant to us that getting the tickets is easy since we are few Jordanians Living in Japan right ? ... WRONG...we had hard time getting the tickets !!

We were informed that the number of tickets is limited !! really !! limited!! 5000 tickets ... I am not sure about the number of Jordanians in Japan but no way its near that number !!

so we were pretty pissed that the process of asking for the tickets took longer than we expected ...actually we were informed that we can get the tickets 2 days before the match and we got the tickets on the day of the match !!

This is a prove that change comes from individuals themselves , its weird that although the Embassy of Jordan in a country organized like Japan yet still not being able to organize such a small event !! and unable to change the way they do things !!

anyway ...we got to the soccer hall and got the tickets ( Al Hamdullellah )

I cant describe the feeling I had the moment I entered the hall , It was great , my heart was beating so fast.

It felt like I am about to face a huge exam!!I wanted the Jordanian team to win so bad. its amazing how much in these situation your nationalism pops out.

This hall was filled with samurais who were cheering for the Japanese team , their unity in their blue shirts they were wearing , their voices , their waves and their movements was scary actually ...I felt fear and couldn't imagine how our team felt ...maybe this was the reason of the huge loss in the result of the match !!

But still 6-0 ... what a shame! the feeling of shame differs when you watch a match in the TV and when you are actually there in the mal3ab( hall) cheering for your team who is losing like this ...being only 5 cheering for a losing team is not cool at all , I am telling you that !!

Plus I hated the attitude of our players , I respect Japanese players for their fight until the end spirit that the Jordanian players lacked since the start of the game ... I respect how Japanese players waved to the audience and walked in the field while waving to their audience with proud at the end of the match (Bravo Japan) ^_^

ANYWAY ... I will leave you with pics Ahmad san took of the match ...

hopefully victory will come in the future our own field and in our own challenges in life ....

life is like a football match of which we seek victory in ...remember that dear viewers ^^

until next post ...salam

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Sakura ^_^

Dear readers of my blog ^^

I am going through a stressful time in writing my master thesis, seriously to who ever is thinking of studying masters may god be on your side...I will take a short break from that and post some of sakura pics that I took ...I Know its late since sakura (cherry blossoms ) was in April... but didn't have time back then...sorry for not keeping my promise earlier ....

as promised here are some pics ...enjoy ^.^

At the end , I would like to say that sakura trees are like human beings blossoms to impress everyone with its beauty but soon it goes away leaving behind lovely memories

I pray to God that we will leave behind us traces filled with goodness and blessings ...hoping that these traces and deeds will be heavy on our scale on the day of judgment, the day we stand in front our one and only creator ( Alla ) ^^

أشجار الساكورا كالإنسان... تزهر و تسحر الكل بجمالها لكن سرعان ما تختفي كلمح البصر... تاركة ورائها الذكريات الجميلة

نسأل الله ان نترك ورائنا أثار كلها خير و بركة ...لعلها تكون في ميزان حسناتنا يوم نقف بين يدي المولى عز و جل

نراكم ان شاء الله في البوست القادم

حتى ذلك الوقت في أمان الله

Friday, June 1, 2012

قرات كتيير لكن لم افهم !!

اوك, لقد قرات كتيير لكن لم افهم, ما فهمته شيئان مما قرأت

الفرق بين المسلمين و المسيحيين شي اساسي

الله يبحث عنا نحن الضائعون عن طريق عيسي ابن مريم و ليس نحن من نبحث عنه

الثالوت الاقدس - الاب ,الابن , الروح القدس - الاّب اله و الابن اله و الروح القدس اله , كل واحد منهم كلي القدرة و لكنهم اله واحد ...لكن بنفس الوقت ثالوث مقدس

الله تجسد في صورة المسيح و حتى يكفر عن خطايا البشر كان الثمن تضحيته بنفسه و يجب ان نؤمن به حتى نحضى بالهبه ( الحياة الابدية ) ...الكلمة كانت عند الله و الله هو الكلمة و الكلمة اصبحت جسداً...

كل شيء يوجد في ثلاثة ( عناصر المادة ( صلبة , سائلة , غازية ) , الاسرة ( الاب, الام , الاطفال )) و لكنها واحدة. الله قادر على كل شيء و منها التجسد على هيئة انسان ...

الخلاف الاساسي بين المسيحيون و المسلمون هي ألوهية المسيح

ما خطر في بالي

عندما اسمع الثالوث الاقدس _ الاّب و الابن و الروح القدس ...انا لا استطيع تخيل هذه الصور الثلاث كصورة واحدة في ذهني ...لان كل صورة مميزة بحد ذاتها...لا استطيع تخيل الثلاث صور كصورة واحدة في رأسي ! (حاولت لكن لم استطع )

لم استطيع فهم كيف ان اليسوع مولودا و ليس مخلوقا ...انا لم افهم ...مولود اي ان الله انجبه !! انا لم استطيع تخيل الانجاب كصفة لله فهي بنظري لا تليق بعظمته

كمسلمة انا اؤمن بان الله ليس كمثله شيء اي لا أستطيع تخيله لذا انا خلال قراءتي لم افهم سمعت ايضا من مناظرة بين انيس شروس و احمد ديديات انه وارد بالتوراة ان اي انسان تلده امرأة و حملته 9 اشهر لا يمكن ان يكون الهاً ...فكيف يكون عيسى عليه السلام الهاً...

في عندما تمت 8 ايام من ولادة اليسوع ختن ...هل الله يختن !! بالنسبة لي انا لا استطيع تخيل هذه العمليه تحدث لله عز وجل
luke 2:21

و اخيرا لما لم يرد نص صحيح يقول فيه المسيح بانه هو الله ( انا الله اعبدوني) , لماذا لم يقل ذلك و ينهي النقاش اللذي ما زال موجود حتى الاّن

نحن كمسلمين نؤمن بان عيسى عليه السلام هو رسول الله و نؤمن بولادته العجيبة و نؤمن بمعجزاته ( قدرته على احياء الموتى و قدرته على شفاء المرضى... ) التي حصلت باذن الله نؤمن انه رسول الله ليقودنا الى عبادة الخالق ...الله عز وجل و ان عيسى عليه السلام هو مخلوق ايضاً

ملاحظة : هذا ما توصلت اليه من قرائتي لكن لم اقصد به اساءة للمسيحية او للمسيحيين, انا لدي اصدقاء مسيحيين احبهم جداً... تابعوا مناظرة انيس شروس و احمد ديديات ...رائعة حتى لغير المسلمين

Salam , and see you next post! I am not trying to insult anyone by this post, I am posting my understanding of what I read ...