Thursday, January 22, 2009

Lunch break ^-^

The best thing in the company that I work in is the lunch break , it is from 1 until 2 , we really enjoy it everyday .
today we went to buy shawirma ^-^(oishikatta)


B san coming to the car :p

our lunch ^-^

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Congratulations ^-^

Yesterday was a busy day, my brother graduated, he did his last presentation, it was really fun, after he finished the presentation, he was held by his classmates and they have sang a lot of traditional songs for him, I really had fun, not to mention that I also visited my university, it brought me a lot of good memories ^-^

Saturday, January 10, 2009

A look inside my room^-^


Mom always tells me "you should make your room more special", so yesterday I was really bored and I had a great idea ^-^, "what if I made a memory wall", so I put images of me and my sister because the room is not only mine T-T

Nice idea right, enjoy the pics ^0^

memory wall

Crowded , Japanese section^-^

Manga section , I like "news" band and I really like yamapi kun^-^

me and my sis , the second pic is me when I was a baby ^-^

so what do you think ,did you like the idea?

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

What a busy day^-^




Yesterday was fun , I went to my work , it was really busy but at the same time it was really fun , after work I went to JAAJ, I met yamashina sensei , and we took some pictures ^-^

also my dad returned from Egypt, it was really a busy day ^-^

I really love Japanese language, thank god that I am studying Japanese ,thank you very much T and K sensei , I am glad that I met you , I am glad that I am studying Japanese .
I am happy ^0^