Tuesday, December 30, 2008

TOKYO, "Stop air assault on Gaza" T-T

Around 200 people held a rally in Tokyo Tuesday against Israel's deadly attacks on Gaza and urged Japan to use its influence to end the violence.

Carrying flowers and candles, the demonstrators offered a one-minute prayer in front of the Israeli embassy, with a Buddhist monk ringing a bell for the souls of the victims.
They placed a letter of protest in the embassy's mailbox hours after delivering a separate letter to Japan's foreign ministry urging it to put pressure on Israel. Japan is a major donor to the Middle East peace process.

Israel attacked the Gaza Strip Saturday in retaliation for rocket fire from the territory, killing at least 360 Palestinians and wounding 1,690.

The banner say "Don't kill children"

Saturday, December 27, 2008

May God help themT-T

I am really sad that the New Year for Palestinians at GAZA started with parents losing their children and children losing their parents, I saw kids on the TV talking about stuff adults can barely understand. They are familiar with seeing dead bodies and blood everywhere, hospitals does not have enough medicine and capacity to receive more victims, I am really sad T-T

The thing that annoy me the most is that I can’t do anything about it , as a middle eastern and a Palestinian girl I feel ashamed , all I can do now is pray for them T-T

May god help people at Gaza , I raise a prayer from the bottom of my heart.

Good byeTaka chan T-T

Finally the day Taka chan must leave Jordan came, I was really sad because Taka chan was one of the nicest people I ever met.

Thursday was a very busy day, I met with A chan , F chan and my sis at Mecca mall to buy a present for Taka chan , thank god that she liked it ^-^
We really had a blast at the mall.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Coming event ^-^

I want to go , but I cant because I have work T-T
minna , you should all go , they will screen anime movies on the first day, you dont wanna miss that^-^
second day , tea ceremony and cultural shows ^-^
I will try to make a report on it , even if I didnt go.

Friday, December 19, 2008

starting my new job^-^

Hi everyone ^-^

I have started going to my new job , its a great job, although working hours are long *-*,but I really enjoy it, because it is exactly what I like to do the most ^-^

so , minna , work in a job that you really like if you want to be happy ^-^

I start my day with a cup of Ocha ( green tea) , and I listen to Japanese radio stations while working , so time passes fast which is a great thing by the way ^-^

until the next post , I wish you all a a great day ^-^

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

CCS...Good bye^-^

I quit working at CCS , it was a good company , but I didn't feel that it was my thing , today is my last day working there.

although I didn't like tasks assigned to me(oracle O-o) but I really enjoyed being there surrounded with a lot of good , caring and funny people ^-^ , It was fun.

In a previous post , I advised you minasan not to work in something that you don't like , and my opinion remains the same however , being in a working environment and communicating with people is a great experience that you shouldn't miss , As I move on , I wish that my life will get better , and I hope that my next career will be better than the one before ^-^

Good bye CCS , thank you for everything...I will always remember you ^-^

Outside CCS

The floor I used to work on , and this picture is
in the same floor , it always says "konnichiwa"to me

It looks like JUST^-^

I hope that next year will be better than the one before ^-^

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Eid…It was fun^-^

Just as I promised, I want to tell you minna what I did in Eid^-^

First day, as usual, I visited other family members along with my family, we kept driving from one house to another, but I really enjoyed it.
Second day, I stayed at home, family members visited us, It was also fun.
Then it was friends time , I decided to do something new , so instead of going out with my friends at night , we went out early in the morning , we agreed to meet at 11 am ,I was sleepy , I phoned h chan to make sure that she is still going , but I was surprised to find out that she was still sleeping O_o

Anyway, we decided to meet at “abu jubara” , a place for “falafel , humus and stuff” , it was really nice , having breakfast with friends is great.
Then we decided to walk to city mall, we decided to see a movie there called “madagascar2”, we talked a lot ^-^in the way (totemo tanoshikatta)

minna you should watch "madagascar2 " , totemo omoshirokatta ^-^
minna , tell me what did you do in Eid?

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Happy Eid...\(^o^)/

At the end of the Hajj (annual pilgrimage to Mecca), Muslims throughout the world celebrate the holiday of Eid al-Adha (Festival of Sacrifice). In 2008, Eid al-Adha will begin tomorrow, and will last for three days.^-^

During the celebration of Eid al-Adha, Muslims slaughter an animal such as a sheep, camel, or goat. Allah has given us power over animals and allowed us to eat meat, but only if we pronounce His name at the solemn act of taking life. Muslims slaughter animals in the same way throughout the year. By saying the name of Allah at the time of slaughter, we are reminded that life is sacred.

The meat from the sacrifice of Eid al-Adha is mostly given away to others. One-third is eaten by immediate family and relatives, one-third is given away to friends, and one-third is donated to the poor. The act symbolizes our willingness to give up things that are of benefit to us or close to our hearts, in order to follow Allah's commands. It also symbolizes our willingness to give up some of our own bounties, in order to strengthen ties of friendship and help those who are in need. We recognize that all blessings come from Allah, and we should open our hearts and share with others.

On the first morning of Eid al-Adha, Muslims around the world attend morning prayers at their local mosques. Prayers are followed by visits with family and friends, and the exchange of greetings and gifts. At some point, members of the family will visit a local farm or otherwise will make arrangements for the slaughter of an animal. The meat is distributed during the days of the holiday or shortly thereafter.

People usually bake something called “ma’amool”, and also we make Arabic coffee that goes with "ma'amool" perfectly^o^(oishii)

our own ma'amool^-^

I have drew & designed this card , I hope you will like it minasan

After Eid ,I am going to post what I did during Eid , I want to hear from you minasan what is your plans for Eid?

enjoy this amazing holiday and have a very nice Eid^-^

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Venus…what a beautiful scene ^-^

On Monday a lot of people in Jordan noticed something in the sky o_O, something that is considered a rare astronomical event that is not expected to happen only after a thousand years for the whole region.

This wonderful union between Venus and the moon was seen clearly with the naked eye in many countries in the region.

Sara's pictures (enjoy^-^)

It looks like a drawing ^-^

It was really amazing, minasan, did you notice it? I did ^-^

Monday, December 1, 2008

new banner ^-^

Every month I am going to design a new banner , and this month's banner is inspired from Christmas and Eid Al-adha , I hope you will like it ^-^

Next week, I am gonna post about Eid Al-adha ^-^

Mina san , what do you think? Did you like the new banner?

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

First time…making J-food ^-^

I really wanted to eat Japanese food and since it is autumn, I searched for autumn recipes, anyway this is what I made ^-^

Matsutake Gohan is an autumn recipe; it looked very easy, so I decided to make it.
The recipe contains :
· 2 1/2 cups Japanese rice
· 2 1/2 cups water
· 1-2 matsutake mushrooms (I put the mushrooms that is available home,sumimasen)
· 1 abura-age (fried tofu) (I didn’t have any so T-T )
· 4 tbsps sake rice wine (I can’t use it because I am Muslim)
· 4 tbsps soy sauce
I ignored a lot of ingredients but the final result was good^-^

Matsutake Gohan ,It is supposed to look like this T-T

I also made potato salad, the recipe is:
· 1/2 cucumber
· 1/2 onion
· 1/2 carrot
· 2 slices ham (I didn’t put it cause I am muslim)
· 2 tsp rice wine vinegar (I didn’t put it for the same reason)
· 1 tsp olive oil
· 1/2 tsp salt
· 3 tbsps mayonnaise
· *2 boiled eggs
It was really good^-^

again the salad potato supposed to look like this

Ok , now introducing my first cooking ever , enjoy the picture , it really was oishii^-^

first dish :Matsutake Gohan , second: ma2doos(not-japanese)
third: potato salad , fourth: ocha (totemo oishikatta)

minasan,Did you ever try making Japanese food ? If you did , share your experiance ^-^

Monday, November 24, 2008

Nice Haiku Evening^-^

The Japan Foundation presented in cooperation with the Greater Amman Municipality a lecture to the public at 6:30 pm on 20 November at Al Hussein Cultural Center in Ras Al Ain.

It was really nice, I knew about Haiku but this is my first time to take a lecture about it in depth, the lecture and the discussion that was held after it was interesting ^-^

People tried to understand haiku by comparing it with arabic poetry which is ,in my opinion is very wrong , because Japanese poetry (haiku) differs from Arabic poetry^-^

So ,minasan,what is haiku?

Haiku is a poetic form and a type of poetry from the Japanese culture. Haiku combines form, content, and language in a meaningful, yet compact form. Haiku poets write about everyday things. Many themes include nature, feelings, or experiences. Usually they use simple words and grammar. The most common form for Haiku is three short lines. The first line usually contains five (5) syllables, the second line seven (7) syllables, and the third line contains five (5) syllables. Haiku doesn't rhyme. A Haiku must "paint" a mental image in the reader's mind. This is the challenge of Haiku - to put the poem's meaning and imagery in the reader's mind in ONLY 17 syllables over just three (3) lines of poetry!

Dr koko kato & T sensei

Basho Matsuo is known as the first great poet in the history of haikai (and haiku).
Do you like Haiku? Do you have a certain Haiku that you like?
Please share it with us^-^

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Night out with my brother^-^


Yesterday, after work, I went out with my older brother, we really had a blast(although it was not planned 0_O).
We had dinner, checked a book store (prime^-^ I love this store) and we played some games, we really enjoyed our time, it has been a while since I went out with my brother

atashi no gohan,totemo oishikatta

Sunday, November 16, 2008

J-drama…I am addicted^-^ (part2)

I will continue the list that I made last time ^-^ and of course you can talk and share your opinion on any drama you have watched

I hope you liked this post , I wanna hear more from you minasan ^-^
so , did you watch any of the drama listed above ?
what was the drama that effected you deeply,why ?


Thursday, November 13, 2008




I went to F chan house, T chan was there also, F chan mom cooked delicious food that day and we enjoyed eating it^-^

Although the whole thing was not planned, I had a great time^-^

enjoy the pics ^-^

F chan no okaasan no tabemono

JAA ^-^

My first lessen at LEVEL4…^-^



I was really excited to start level4, after my work ended at 4:30 pm, I rushed to get there at time, yokatta I made it on time ^-^

The lesson was great, new vocabulary, new grammar, new kanji; I was really happy and eager to study more ^-^

Anyway , the class was great , we laughed a lot because you know, whenever we learn something new , our reading at first is very slow , and yeah it was funny to laugh on ourselves way of reading and writing(kanji )

The class ended at 6:30 but I wanted it to last more ^=^



Wednesday, November 12, 2008

J-drama…I am addicted^-^

Many people think that it’s a waste of time watching Japanese drama ,but I want to say that J-DRAMA made me closer to the Japanese society ,people ,language ,culture and traditions ^-^

So I am going to make a list of dramas that I have watched and my opinion:

To be continued>>>

So did you watched any of these dramas ?
I wanna hear from you minasan^-^

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Working…mmm T-T

Working is a great experience; it makes you feel that you can do anything you want(T-T).

But this is an advice, listen carefully , don’t work in something that you hate , even when you are still a fresh graduate , don’t work in something that you hate , you will hate yourself , hate the people around you and eventually you will be tired emotionally and physically, this is what is happening to me right now!

Life is so short, don’t waste it on doing something that you absolutely hate, you will lose yourself.

It is your life after all, you are responsible for it^-^

Jaa ^-^

I promise that the next post will be better hopefully ^-^

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Graduation ceremony at the embassy ^-^

Last Saturday was my graduation ceremony (I can’t wait to start level 4), it was held at the embassy of Japan,the ceremony was great, I really enjoyed it, and a lot of people came.

First, the graduation ceremony started with T sensei speech, he encouraged us to continue studying Japanese (がんばります\(^-^)/),then it was followed by the head of JICA speech, after that the big moment came , certificates were handed to all levels , it was a great moment(やった)T-T

The food was delicious, it was prepared by S san(おいしかったです) ^-^

I enjoyed misu soup, and also it was my first time making onigiri (面白かった)

A movie was screened, “5 centimeters per second” (まことしんかいさんのえいが, I like this person alot , he visited Jordan before , he is a source of inspiration for me ). I went at the beginning of the movie to bring a drink, I noticed that S san was cleaning so I started cleaning with her and forgot all about the movie, but it was really great, the feeling of being involved and useful in something(Sさんおつかれさまでした), anyways while I was cleaning, there was a problem in the movie and the event ended at 3:00.

Finally, T sensei took pics with his amazing camera (ありがとうございますT せんせい)



Monday, October 27, 2008

look out ...ookinek is here ^-^

minna ,You know that cats in Jordan are famous for being skinny and ugly T-T, but ookinek is a different case , he is very fat and handsome (^-^), the first time I saw ookinek he was really hungry so I fed him a peace of burger , of course without mom's knowledge (okasan) , mom hates anything that is alive except humans ( meaning : she does not like animals) T-T
so she always tell us "don't feed cats cause they will annoy me " , well she has a point, every time I feed cats along with my sis , they start coming to our house from all over the neighborhood , Its like they form a network or something lol^-^

ookinek is like a fluffy cushion , whenever I see him I really want to hug and hold him.
here are some pics , the pictures are not clear because they were captured at night (SUMIMASEN)

Posing for the picture

kawaii ne (cute) ;p

The first cat I saw who can finishs a glass of milk

By the way :"why did I named the cat ookinek?"

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Only one year ^-^

Imagine that only one year has passed since I started learning Japanese , I was always a fan of anime(Japanese cartoons) and interested in Japanese people^0^ but I never thought that learning the language was possible , I am really grateful to k chan because I started learning after meeting her and she was my first sensei ^-^yokatta

And also a big thank you to O sensei and S sensei who went back to Japan , they were really great and made me like Japanese language even more , and of course to T sensei , I have never seen a person like him before ,he is really dedicated and always there for us , also k sensei, she doesn't rest until the picture is clear(until we understand) . and finally my family who always supported me and believed in me more than anyone else .to all of you arigatou gozaimasu, thank you for making learning an adventure that is full of joy T-T

Its like I was reborn again , I mean my personality has changed , my life , even my closest friends. I am like a completely different person that is full of dreams , confidant and ambitious T-T

A lot of people around me think that I am just studying one of the languages in the world, but you know what, Japanese language is more than just a language for me , its like a passion that flows in my blood , this is what I said when oka sensei( My Japanese teacher at JICA) told me "don't forget learning Japanese" before she went back to Japan T-T

so I really want to ask you(minna) a question :"how about you , did learning Japanese changed your life the way it changed mine? I really wanna know!"

Share your thoughts ....jaa^-^

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Yesterday I finished level 3 exam and I passed with a good mark T-T , I was really busy it was very hard for me to study this time , I like studying Japanese more than any subject but I was busy with my work and having a lot of Japanese activities didn't help either #_#

The graduation ceremony will be held at the Japanese embassy on 1 November. we will have many activities:
1- Handing certificates
2- Watching a movie
3- Eating some Japanese food

I am glad that I finished level 3 , It was enjoyable and exciting , now I can officially say that I know Kanji ( Just 45 but I will learn all of them^-^ ganbarimasu) I cant wait , I wanna start level4^-^wish me luck minasan


Sunday, October 19, 2008

Long day at work...O_o

My day at work was really weird, first the electricity went down at 10 Am , I was supposed to have my first training along with my partners( ayman san & Ahamad san), it was very boring waiting for electricity T-T , anyway the training was postponed to the next day.

After that, my sempai "Sumaia san" started talking about a new hot drinks machine at the cafeteria.
I was really excited when she mentioned " hot chocolate" , so we decided to try it , OK so what was the problem?
well, we didn't have change ( we needed 20 piaster for each one of us (5 people)) T-T
So we started wondering between the offices asking for change *-* , we spent almost 30 minutes looking for change, finally we collected the amount that we needed^-^

First I went with Ayman san , we kept staring at the machine like it was an alien or something , so we waited for someone to order and watched closely what he did in order to imitate what he was doing 6-6

After that , it was our turn , Ayman ordered first , he put the money , ordered and then he selected the amount of sugar he wants , nothing was wrong right .....guess again the cup was missing and the machine poured the drink in the air T-T I tried to save what was left but the cup was stuck T-T

So, imagine the situation , after all the humiliation that he has been through in order to get his 20 piaster , his drink was gone..lol

but thank god that my drink was safe and sound...^-^ TOTEMO OISHIKATTA
so what do you think??? nice day ne ..lol

The machine

Inside the machine ..
when I went to capture the photos the maintenance guy asked
me why? and then he gave me another cup ...UreshikattaT-T

The other cup was pure chocolate..OISHIKATTA

Who turned the light off?? >x<

Today was supposed to be the first day of my training at work , but suddenly the electricity went down for about two hours (Denki ga arimasen T-T) , first I thought that it was just the company but then I realized from my partners at work that it was for the whole country O_o

I was really bored (TSUMANA) ,nothing to do *-*
Thank god that I had my mp3 (full of japanese songs that always cheer me up^-^ , news ga suki)


Thursday, October 16, 2008


JICA 22日しけんがあります。いいマルクがほしいです。まだべんきょうしませんからむずかしいそでもこのしゆうまつべんきようします。

I have JICA exam on 22 o_O; I want to get a high mark, The subject is not hard but because I did not study lately I feel that it’s REALLY hard , ensh2allah I am gonna study this weekend ^-^

Wish me luck みなさん


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Nicolas Vujicic…a living miracle^-^

Yesterday I watched on TV something that really amazed me, it was so inspiring so I wanted to share it with you みなさん.

It was an interview with an Australian guy called “Nicolas”, he is 24 years old, born without arms and legs, he was depressed in his childhood because he was very lonely and also because he believed that he is the only one suffering in the world, he tried to commit suicide many times, but his parents kept encouraging him, so he completed his education and he even got three certificates in economy and business management in 2003 O_o

Guess what he can do?

He can swim, ride horses, do sports (golf & soccer), he was able to overcome his disability and he became the president of “Attitude is altitude” (one of the biggest NGO’S in America), and also a president of two big successful companies in the field of economy in Australia.

Now he is helping anyone with a disability and this is by making a healthy environment, he has been traveling around the world and communicate with governments and NGO’S to change the societies attitude toward disabled people and make them more involved in their societies^-^ He visited 19 countries hoping that he could spread hope to everyone with or without a disability T-T

Talk about the power of change, I was really encouraged to do my best in life^-^
Nick is an inspirational speaker and says, "Motivation gets you through the day, but inspiration lasts a lifetime."


Check out his website ^-^